Ksar Boussemghoun, better known as “Ksar El Asâad”, remains the best-known historic site in the region. Ksar was built for 17 centuries on rugged terrain in an area surrounded by a mountain range. It has a strategic location and it served for caravans and pilgrims. Ksar had several names over the centuries, now it bears the name of saint Sidi Boussemghoun, who intervened on numerous occasions to settle conflicts between locals. When he died, he was buried in this place. We took a local guide (200 DZD) to explore the ksar buildings made from clay, stones, and palm trunks. The old mosque, located in the center of the ksar, is a masterpiece whose construction dates back to the beginning of the Islamic conquest of the region. This place of worship is surrounded by tangled houses and on its southern flank is the Koranic school. The visit to this ksar could only be completed by a walk in the green orchards and palm groves with their 4000 palm trees making up the oasis. These green spaces allow the local population to produce barley, vegetables, and fruits, especially dates and pomegranates. After a one-hour visit, we drove straight 300 kilometers to Béchar.

Parking location – Béchar: 31.637647N 2.196194W